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Writer's pictureMrs. FBJ

We are on the road!

FBJ Creations is officially on the road in Lucky 13! May 31st we finished packing our belongings and business, into our skoolie and hit the road!

The last two weeks leading up to our grand departure were a blur. We sold our truck. We made numerous trips to Idaho Falls for last minute items needed to wrap up the bus. Lars and Fred helped us with the electrical. A plumber was hired to ensure our plumbing was installed correctly. We hooked up the propane. We rented a U-Haul to move our couch and other large items to storage and take trash from our bus project to the transfer station. Bryon took the bus to DMV where it was inspected to get titled as an RV. We passed the inspection! Mike Barklow, of Metal Mindset, installed the roof rack he had constructed for the bus. The list of things to get done seemed endless and overwhelming despite months of planning and preparation! Somehow, we completed all we needed to just in time for our May 31st departure. We were up at 6 am most days and not in bed until 11 pm or later every evening. April played outside in the dandelions with crazy outfits, while Daphney scooted across the deck in her baby walker most days or practice crawling between the items waiting to be packed to storage or moved into the bus. Bryon and I were always on the go. It was amazing how 16-hour days can go by so quickly.

We left Victor on the morning of May 31st, Bryon secured the last of our gear in the roof rack, while me and the kids ran a few items over to storage, one last time. Bryon and April led in the bus. Daphney and I followed in my car, as we pulled out of the driveway. We have my car until we get to the Midwest, where we will leave it with family.

We headed over Pine Creek Pass to Palisades and through the canyon between Star Valley and Jackson, WY to Fitzgerald’s Bicycles. We met a customer to template a Salsa Warroad. The kids and I went to Smith’s to get groceries for our first several days of life in the bus.

We left Jackson after a quick stop at the Snake River Boat Landing for lunch. Following our lunch, we headed out of Hoback toward Flaming Gorge. Flaming Gorge seemed steeper and slower with the bus. The bus was heavy, with a full tank of diesel and our 65-gallon freshwater tank, also full. Bryon manuevered the bus up the mountain road and around the switchbacks. By evening we reached what seemed to be the highest point of the road and descended toward Vernal. The bus was heavy during these mountain climbs and descents. Where a normal car may be able to go 50-55 mph, the bus goes 25-30 mph.

We pulled into Steinaker State Park at dusk. I made a lap of the campground in my car and found a spot suitable for the bus. Bryon drove the bus to the stop. As we began to unpack, we realized our rear side door was jammed, as a toolbox in the garage had fallen during the tight turns descending from Flaming Gorge. With extra effort, Bryon was able to get the door open and we were able to clean up the chaos that had resulted in the garage from the drive. April played with her toys at the picnic table and Daphney played on the bus floor. We ate dinner and were in bed by 11pm.

We woke around 6:30 am Monday June 1st. We enjoyed a breakfast of steak and eggs before heading into Vernal to get a few items at Walmart, that we needed for our bus. After a quick stop in Vernal we headed toward Fruita. We took a longer route through Roosevelt and Price, Utah to avoid too many large descents.

We arrived at 18 Road in Fruita, CO later in the evening. The road into the BLM dispersed camping area was rough. I went ahead of Bryon in the car. I crept along at 10-20 miles an hour until we reached pavement. Bryon could only go about 5-10 miles per hour with the potholes and washboards constantly jostling our home on wheels. As the sunset in the Book Cliffs, we found a spot to call home for the next few days.

We have been enjoying our time in Fruita, the past 3 days. Bryon and I have had the chance to enjoy daily rides on the single track in the Northern Fruita Desert. The weather has been warm and windy. We have found morning is the best time for riding, before the wind picks up. April has enjoyed scooping desert sand. She has been working on filling the same bucket of sand for several hours now. Daph loves taking naps outside next to the bus in her bassinet. Both girls spend time listening to stories and playing with Legos in the bus during the hot afternoons. April is in her threenager stage and is learning there are rules in the bus that might not have existed at home. Daph, at 7 months old, can crawl and roll and is determined to get everything into her mouth including sand and rocks.

Bryon made his first set of bags in the bus. We sent a set of panniers to Jackson yesterday! We have also been reorganizing our bag materials and personal items as we find what does and does not work with our current organization, in the bus.

We all took our first bus showers and baths, using our Phoenix Faucets outdoor shower. We are also putting a few last touches on the bus. Bryon is working on putting in some finishing touches near the passenger seat and fireplace, as I type this.

We leave Fruita tomorrow and from there will be heading to the Midwest to visit family. Our adventure has only begun. Despite uncertain times in the world from COVAID-19 and the civil unrest following the death of George Floyd, we are excited to be spending this time together. Most of our travels will be to areas that are more remote and away from large populations. All the events we had arranged to be vendors at are cancelled through September, due to COVAID-19. We will be primarily working on custom orders, during this time. We look forward to events including the Copper Harbor Trails Fest, Chaquemagon Mountain Bike Festival, and Vermont 50 this September. We look forward to traveling this vast country, with our two beautiful girls and business this next year! Check back soon to see where our travels take us next!

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